Sunday, February 5, 2012

Necron Vs. Dark Eldar 2000 point battle

The superbowl is over and so is my son and I's epic 2000 point dark eldar vs necron battle. We started with the kick off and 6 hours later were finished in a draw that saw carnage across the board, but with turn 6 we rolled a one and the game was over. At the final stand off on one end of the board were two immobilized monoliths and an immobilized raider. Two squads of twelve wytches were pounding away at the monoliths with haywire grenades. Half a squad of kabalite warriors with on dark lance was doing basically no damage. Next to one monlith was a lord going toe to toe with a haemonculus-each with one wound remaining with a cryptec nearby that had just immobilized the raider. One squad of warriors (down to four) with Trazine was sitting in the middle of the board taking pot shots from the immobilized raider and a second squad of kabalite warriors who had just exited their now burning wreck of a raider. Last in the far corner was a battle that had been going on since round two between a squad of immortals with a lord against a squad of incubi with a klavex (down to just one incubi and the klavex vs five immortals and the lord)-but the C'tan had joined the close combat after dispatching the last of my reavers in turn four.

Not much of a report, and I will get back to the saga of how we managed to end up with 2000 point armies already-along with posting more painting. We have moved on to painting the marines, but have not had a lot of time the last couple of weeks do to my having to travel.

I will post pics of the Ork Warboss and the first couple of marines this week.