Sunday, December 2, 2012

Dark Eldar vs Footslogging Eldar

Battle Report #8 2000 points: Eldar vs. DE


We both wanted to try some new units for this one. He was using wraithguard for the first time and I wanted to try out my beasts. I really expected him to have some armor, but he came out with an almost entirely foot slogging army.


The armies:





Duke Sliscus

Haemonculus: LG, Hexrifle

Haemonculus: LG, venom blade, Hexrifle



8 Wyches: RF with Hekatrix, in a Raider with DC, NS, Haemonculus starts here

8 Wyches: RF with Hekatrix, in a Raider with DC, NS Haemonculus starts here

10 Warriors: SC dedicated raider but do not start in it.

5 Wracks, LG in a Venom with SC X 2



4 Incubi, SC X 2, NS




4 Reavers with HL

4 Reavers with HL

3 Beast Masters with 5 Khyemera and 4 Razorwing Flocks




Ravager NS

Ravager NS

Razorwing, 2 DC, FF, NS





The Avatar

Maugan RA



14 Guardians, Warlock (conceal), Weapons Platform with Scatter Laser

14 Guardians, Warlock (conceal), Weapons Platform with Scatter Laser



10 Wraithguard with a warlock (conceal)

5 Harlequins, Death Jester and Shadow Seer



Vyper Jetbike, scatter laser

Vyper Jetbike, scatter laser



3 War Walkers, dual scatterlasers

4 Dark Reapers (one autarch with rapid fire-the one that gives the extra shot)

4 Dark Reapers (one autarch with rapid fire-the one that gives the extra shot)


Mission: Big Guns Never Tire

Deployment: Hammer and Anvil

Special Issues: None

Warlord Traits: He got city, I got night fighting

Terrain: See diagram

Ability rolls: I rolled for combat drugs and got +1 to Weapon Skill.

Night Fighting: Yes



Deployment: He won the roll off and placed all his forces near the center. I hid mine as much as possible behind terrain and way back. The beasts up near the top left corner with the khymerea in front, to try and come around the back side and my reavers on either side of my formation.


I realized after I finished this that I forgot to put in the objectives. We rolled for four objectives. Three of them were in the no man’s land of the hammer and anvil deployment. One in the dead center with the other two about halfway to the ends of the 24 inch corridor between the two armies. The fourth was in his deployment zone behind the ruins in the middle back of the field.



I then stole the initiative.




Turn 1 Bloody Claw:

I moved almost everything back to stay out of the 36 inch range. The beasts moved over onto the hill. Reavers moved just a bit.


In the shooting phase one group of reavers turbo boosted over the Dark Reapers, who made their saves (didn’t realize they were 3+). The other turbo boosted into cover to prepare for harassing the war walkers. The one warrior with a splinter cannon was just within 36 inches and killed the lead guardian.



Turn 1 Eldar:

In the movement phase he moved everything but his dark reapers forward. He sent one vyper back to deal with the jetbikes.


In the shooting phase the the vyper jetbike killed one reaver. Then the dark reapers killed two more and Maugan Ra (attached to the dark reapers) killed the last one. First blood to the Eldar. He fired his scatter laser at the eldar in the building but they made their 2 saves. The other scatter laser from a weapons platform shot at the beasts who made all their one save. Everything else was beyond range and the reavers behind the ruined walls were out of sight of the war walkers.





Turn 2 Bloody Claw:


The Razorwing came in 18 inches from the back corner. The wracks did not. The beasts moved towards the guardians to prep an assault. Everything else moved over, keeping as much cover as possible but with some line of sight to his war walkers. The reavers moved out to get a shot off at the war walkers.


In the shooting phase the razorwing dropped two missles and the DLs on his wraithguard killing the warlock, five wraithguard and four guardians. The venom then took a wound off the avatar with its 18 splinter shots. The reavers took a hull point off the first war walker, then a raider finished it off. The ravager on the right then took out the next war walker. The warriors in the building got off the splinter cannon killing one guardian. Another random DL shot killed a dark reaper in the building.


In the assault phase the beasts came in killing 10 guardians and losing one. The guardians were fearless due to being just at 12 inches from the avatar, which was great for me or they would have been sitting ducks for shooting next turn. The reavers jumped back into cover and out of sight of the war walkers.




Turn 2: Eldar


In the movement phase he came forward to get all my vehicles in range. His vipers jumped around.


In the shooting phase he managed to take two hull points and a weapon off a ravager and a hull point and a weapon from a venom. He killed one reaver that was not covered well enough. He rolled incredibly poorly, but he needed 5s or 6s to glance with most of his shots and just kept rolling twos and threes and was concentrating on my ravagers, but couldn’t get through and all the night shields cut his 36 inches to 30 putting things just out of range.


In assault the beasts finished up the guardians and consolidated 4 inches towards his mass of troops.



Turn 3 Bloody Claw:

The venoms came in behind the avatar. The Jetfighter moved forward 18 inches. Everything else adjusted to get into firing line of sight. The reavers jumped out to take another shot at the war walker.


Shooting: The reavers took a hull point off the last war walker, then a raider took the second, wrecking it. The monoscythe dropped more on the wraithguards again, killing five guardians and their warlock, and one wraithguard. The venom with the wracks put two wounds on the avatar and then the other venoms lone cannon took his last killing him. A stray DL shot killed a dark reaper. A raider missed a vyper. A ravager took a shot at the wraithguard and missed.


In the assault the beast pack multi-assaulted the wraithguard and the harlequins, loosing nothing to overwatch by making one 4+ invulnerable save. The harlequins killed two khyemera but the khymerea and two razorwing flocks killed three harlequin. The rest of the squad managed to kill one more wraithguard. The wraithguard managed two wounds on a razorwing flock, ending in tie combat.



Turn 3 Eldar


Maugan Ra split off from his dark reapers and moved toward the combat. His vypers moved toward vehicles to try and destroy them. The guardians moved to get in rapid fire range of my ravager.


Shooting: The guardians fired at the ravager with one hull point left but failed to destroy it. The vyper on the left exploded the raider, killing three wyches, but the passed the pinning test. His other vyper fired at the venom with its scatter laser but failed  to even glance it. Both squads of dark reapers fired at the venom as well, but missed and scattered enough that the few hits did not glance, so it survived.


Assault: In the assault phase, Maugan Ra rolled a five ending up two inches short of getting into combat. Two more harlequins died, but there was no other damage. They passed their leadership.



At this point he conceded, seeing that even if he could kill my beasts, I would take out all his scoring units next turn.


Game was a blast and even though it became lopsided pretty fast and he rolled very poorly, we both were laughing at the entire thing. He realized that he should have used reserves and that he probably should have tried to come around the sides and not right up the middle, but had too much faith in the 3+ saves on the wraithguard and under estimated the amount of firepower the DE can put on the field, especially with the flier. Also, losing the first play really hurt his plan.


If he had gone first, it may have been a little different. He still would not have been able to do much to me first round, but he would have had two turns before my flier came in. He did not realize how much damage the missiles could do, and he was using his guardians as a meat shield for his harlequins and wraithguard, but it didn’t help with the missiles and only left him bunched up, as did the terrain which channeled him into the middle where the objectives were.


The beasts were monsters in combat, but not sure how they would do against more powerful units.