Thursday, October 4, 2012

How to magnetize an Eldar Heavy Weapons Platform

This is almost identical to the War Walker as they use the same weapons and the slot that they are usually glued into are the same.
Heavy Weapons Platform
 1/16 by 1/32 size magnets (12 per platform)
CA glue
1/16 size drill bit
Old hobby knife blade.
Managing your magnets (I am putting this in again)
Okay, there are lots of ways to do this, but what I do is put my stack of magnets on a spare tool or whatever is handy and LEAVE them there. I pull them off one by one, so I know the polarity direction at all times. I know a lot of people mark them or scratch them but for me the marks always rub off and are you really going to sit and scratch 100 or more 1/16 X 1/32 magnets. Really now, who has that kind of time. If you ever forget what the polarity on the model is, just take some of the magnets off the tool, test them against a magnet that is already glued in (and dry-or it will pull out) and now you have your polarity again.
 This is major league easy-the easiest model I have magnetized. Everything is pre-sized and you will only drill into the slot and tab that are already there.
1)      First, build the model completely except for gluing in the weapon.
2)      Drill two small holes in the slot that the weapons tab would normally slide into. Dont' worry if it is a little ugly-it is going to get painted over and the weapon sits on it anyway.
3)      Next, drill similar holes in the same place on each of the tabs on the weapons.
4)      Now it is time to glue in the magnets (see "how to magnetize a war walker for pics of this process).
a.       So this is how I do it. I take an old hobby blade (you won’t be cutting with this again after it gets glue on it). I use the blade to slide between the first two magnets. Now you know that the upside on the magnet on your blade is the same as the upside on the stack. If that is the side that goes “down” into the hole you just put it there, wait a couple of seconds and slide (don’t lift) the blade from the magnet. If you need the upside to be the one facing out, then slide it off of the blade to it’s hole. IF you ever lose track of the polarity (the magnet flipped or whatever) just drop it back on the stack and it will reorient.
b.      Place the magnets into the weapon slot
c.       Place the magnets into the weapons with the opposite side down.
5)      There you go, wicked easy.

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