Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pick a Warhammer 40k Army...or two

The next real step was to read-read-read (and pick the armies we wanted to work on). What we knew was that the marines and orks we had been playing with were not capturing the imagination in a way that made us want to collect them.

So how do you pick your army. That was the 10,000 dollar question. We went to the games workshop website, the web and eventually to the descriptions in the back of the rule book. Last we read as much of the codex’s as we could, particularly the histories. And, of course, which models looked cool to us played more than a little in the decision.

So when it came down to it, my son was captivated by the story line of the Necrontyr and the reanimation protocol. He liked the story of the battle between the immortals and the jealousy of the short lived Necrontyr leading to their ultimate demise as they became enslaved to the power they thought they could harness to serve them. He also just thought they were cool looking figures and he loves to amass firepower and standoff at midrange which works well for the Necrons.

Similarly, I was captivated by the story of the Dark Eldar. Not just because of the similarities between their story and the multiple falls of empires in our Earthly history, but the individual story lines, the juxtaposition to the Eldar who seemingly escaped the same fate, but are now trapped in their own worlds as well. I enjoyed all the complexity and maneuvering of the different classes within the Commorragh. Also the idea of hit and run tactics and to kill from afar lends itself to the style I play in many of the other games I have played.

The next thing we did was hit the auction sites and looked for armies that people were getting rid of. Ultimately we found a last generation 4000 point Necron army for him and I piecemealed a combination of new and old figures to challenge him with. Then all we had to do was wait for them all to arrive…

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